Sunday, April 18, 2010

073: Date Night (2010)

Title: Date Night (2010)
Starring: Steve Carell, Tina Fey, Mark Wahlberg
Directed By: Shawn Levy

This is a prime example of talented people doing the best they can with very little. The movie just feels so forced. In the beginning of the film, we're expected to laugh with these characters as they do next to nothing; all because the filmmakers believe that even the most mundane of tasks becomes hilarious when it's done by Steve Carell or Tina Fey.

Once we get into the actual plot of the movie, things only get worse. This ordinary, lifeless couple comes alive when thrown into extreme and utterly ludicrous situations. They finally feel alive! Yay! Naturally, this leads them to gunfights, car chases, co-ed stripping, and a city-wide governmental conspiracy. Of course!

If it sounds as though I'm being a little harsh, I am; but only because I respect these actors (including an impressive supporting cast). Honestly, I expected more from them. See this film only if you understand that you've already seen it when you saw the trailer. Don't expect any surprises, or many laughs, or a plausible plot. They must be saving all that for another movie.

Score: 5/10

1 comment:

  1. But how was Marky Mark? I mean he had to act really hard in this one (I mean work out really hard to look soo hot shirtless). Should Mark take a page from Matthew McConaughey and be shirtless in a movie more often (I VOTE YESSSS!).
