Wednesday, June 2, 2010

094: Push (2009)

Title: Push (2009)
Starring: Chris Evans, Dakota Fanning, Camilla Belle
Directed By: Paul McGuigan

The only bad thing that I can really say about this movie is that it wasn't a comic first. See, similar to 2008's Jumper, it probably would've helped to have some kind of familiarity with these characters and the rules of their universe. Instead, everything is revealed to the audience piece by piece and it all seems pretty slapdash. Rules are created or changed late in the film, which makes for little-to-no continuity and ultimately the movie suffers for it.

Chris Evans and Dakota Fanning are pretty watchable, even as they stumble through the nonsensical script. Camilla Belle though, is terribly miscast. I didn't buy her character's story and I didn't buy her relationship with Evans' character at all. She looks too young for this part, and that's only half the problem. She really phones it in. As does Djimon Hounsou, who's American special agent can't even half-fake an American accent. His origin is never explained, but it's more than a little weird that "Agent Henry Carver" from "America" sounds like he's doing an impression of Russel Crowe's friend from Gladiator.

Effects-wise the film succeeds at selling the special powers. Perhaps a few cuts here and there at the script stage, and this may have been a serviceable action movie. As is though, it's all just a disappointment to genre fans (like me).

Score: 5.5/10

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