Thursday, July 15, 2010

118: Sharks in Venice (2008)

Title: Sharks in Venice (2008)
Starring: Stephen Baldwin, Vanessa Johansson, Hilda van der Meulen
Directed By: Danny Lerner

Even when giving this movie the benefit of the doubt, it fails. Maybe it's the (repeated) use of stock footage. Maybe it's the replaying of EVERY underwater scene shot, at DIFFERENT points in the movie. Or, maybe it's just that this was never meant to be any kind of a success with a shoestring budget and Stephen "I am literally EATING my career" Baldwin. Whatever the last straw was, this film took that straw and smashed it into a million tiny little straws and then danced on them. So bad. This movie is just so, so bad.

Score: 3/10

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